The ospreys are back and other wildlife

One of the things we love most about working the farm is working with the incredible diversity of life.  Right now (middle of April) the eider ducks are still comfortable in the bay and have not yet migrated.  Yet the ospreys are back to the nest they use every summer.  We can't wait to see how many babies they hatch this year.

The cormorants are gathering in the harbor as they do every summer, and the seals are moving into their nursery sites.  Spring is definitely in the air, even if does keep trying to snow.

And it is not just wildlife above the water, we are also seeing sea-life celebrating Spring!

One of Annie's favorite sea critters is the sea slug.  Every Spring we see many Onchidoris bilamellata. They gather in large groups to lay eggs and we often see them on our oyster gear at this time of year.  You can find out more about these cuties at

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As we pull up our bottom cages they teem with life; particularly starfish and crabs.  

but also sea squirts

and anemones.

And last but not least these slow, graceful yet ferocious hunters are busy at this time of year too.
